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Brown Bag STEM Challenge II

The Brown Bag STEM Challenge II- Derby Cars

By December 11th, 2023No Comments

I thought we’d explore the use of derby cars to teach STEM.  Not the pinewood kind that the boy scouts make, but a variation of that using a clothespin as the car body.  In this challenge, students will each build their own derby car, but will work with a partner for support.  Students are challenged to design the derby car that will complete the “track” the fastest.

Students can build their cars using any of the materials.  Generally, students will place the front axle in the hole at the front of the clothespin and the second in the back somewhere, securing it with tape.  However, there is no rule that the clothespin must be the body.  Students can construct their derby car however they like. So, on your mark, get set, create!

The Brown Bag STEM Challenge design challenges focus on some key STEM concepts like critical thinking and problem solving, all while being low-cost to implement  This sequel series contains all of the same elements (design briefs, NGSS alignment, Interactive STEM Notebook pages, etc.) as the original, but with new challenges!

So, what did we learn?
Next Generation Science Standards: Developing and Using Models, Planning and Carrying Out Investigation, Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information ; CCC- Scale, Proportion and Quantity, Cause and Effect

CCSS Math: Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Measurement and Data, Expressions and Equations

Get The Brown Bag STEM Challenge II Bundle Pack with ALL 10 Engineering Design Challenges including Derby Cars!

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  • Engineering Design Process Posters

  • Timer Slides for STEM Collaboration

  • Brown Bag STEM Challenge II – Bundle Pack

  • Brown Bag STEM Challenge I – Bundle Pack
