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Interactive STEM Notebooks

Interactive STEM Notebooks: 10 Resources to Get Started

By December 11th, 2023No Comments

It is no secret that I am a huge fan of Interactive STEM Notebooks.  They are a fantastic way for students to take charge of their learning and unpack their thinking.  They also provide a wealth of formative assessment data as well as authentic artifacts that demonstrate students’ degree of mastery of content.

In my quest to make Interactive STEM Notebooks even more versatile and useful for both teachers and students, I created a bundle with all the necessary tools!  This bundle includes a letter to parents as well as numbered and unnumbered (but with no titles) table of contents.  And, there is also a What Science Is/ Is Not page as many students have a misconception of what science (and especially engineering) actually is.

Each component can be used separately and be incorporated into your own version of STEM notebooks, but all of the general pages are included.  All pages are designed as half-pages to cut down on paper and accommodate the marble composition books that I adore since they are constructed so well!

Whether incorporating STEM notebooks for a full year, a semester or just a project, these guides will help your kids stay organized as they collect data and deepen their thinking! Incorporate these resources into your everyday science or STEM lessons to help students document their work and show what they know.

Also included is a Cover Page, Tab Dividers, Safety Contract, Notebook Expectations and Glossary.  These seem rather simple, but a little time spent on these at the beginning will gain tons of time later.   Plus, the glossary is a great place for students to collect new STEM-y words as it is both important and powerful for students to use the correct terminology.

There are a few more goodies that I didn’t mention, but the bundle has everything that you’ll need to get started.  After that, have fun creating your own flavor of Interactive STEM Notebooks to help your scientists and engineers become more critical thinkers!

Want to read a little more about the core components I recommend for Interactive STEM Notebooks?  Here you go:

Bonus #1: Cover and Dividers for each section

Letter to Parents 
Table of Contents
Safety Contracts
Notebook Expectations
The Nature of Science and Engineering
Engineering Design Process
Science/Engineering Debriefs

Bonus #2: Graphic Organizers

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  • Easy Data Collection for STEM- Bundle Pack

  • STEM Formative Assessments- Bundle Pack

  • Powerful Graphic Organizers for STEM- Bundle Pack

  • Interactive STEM Notebook- Bundle Pack
