Hello STEM Friends! Have you ever used a STEM cube? They take only one sheet of paper per team, are great for collaboration and are otherwise a gold mine.
So how does such an “easy” exercise accomplish such wonders?  Just let me get started!
At the end of a STEM project, provide each group with the STEM cube template. Allow them time to fill out the 6 blocks. As they complete them, they will notice that there is only so much space, so they will need to think carefully about how to sum up their project experience. In the wisdom of Mark Twain, “If I had more time I would write a shorter letter.”
I let students draw pictures, words, whatever they feel conveys the correct reflection of their project. At times, I have required pictures on the cube and required a written paragraph to explain their choices.
You can also blow these up on 11×17 paper if you’d like students to write more. And, with a little fishing line, you can hang them from the ceiling too. A great way for students to remember their work after it has been taken home or recycled!
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