In the tale of Henny Penny, Chicken Little is convinced that the sky is falling. In this challenge, students work in teams to design a device that will protect Chicken Little in the event that the sky begins falling.
In the Teaching STEM through Fairy Tales series, we further examine the connection between literature- specifically fairy tales- and STEM. Each featured favorite fairy tale (try saying that one three times fast), makes a connection to STEM and ties the design challenge to the NGSS Engineering Design Standards.
After reading and/or reviewing the story of Henny Penny, students work in teams to design a device that will keep Henny Penny (one piece of frosted wheat cereal) safe when the sky (bean bag) starts falling.
Students will construct their devices and test them by dropping a bean bag from different heights. Bean bags can be grouped together for more weight if needed.
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Teaching STEM through Fairy Tales – Bundle Pack