Air Force Association
Amount: $500
Window/Deadline: September-December
What you can use it for: EPIC Class Starter Pack, EPIC Annual Class Pack, Flight Circle Kit, Aerospace/EPIC Curriculum

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Amount: $250
Window/Deadline: October- January
What you can use it for: EPIC Class Starter Pack, EPIC Annual Class Pack, Flight Circle Kit, Aerospace/EPIC Curriculum
Note: Must be an AIAA member but K-12 formal/informal educators are free.
Bonus: If you live in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon or Washington, the local PNW AIAA will match up to another $250. Details are here.

Donors Choose
Amount: Varies
Window/Deadline: Rolling
What you can use it for: All Starfish Education products are eligible

Ezra Jack Keats Mini Grant
Amount: $500
Window/Deadline: March
What you can get with it: Best Picture Books for Teaching STEM (and the books that go with these design challenges!)