The 3-2-1 formative assessment is used for checking understanding and summarizing key concepts.
In this formative assessment, students write 3 things they learned, 2 things they found interesting and 1 question that they still have. These “categories” can also be changed or adapted for other learning purposes as well.
I like the 3-2-1 formative assessment because it is easily adaptable. I handed it out before watching a short video. That way, it gave students something concrete to look for while watching the video (the 3). It also provided them with topics for discussion (the 2) and a question to either ask or find the answer to (the 1).
By asking for these pieces of information, teachers can see what major points students took from the lesson (allowing us to see if we are on point or if there are any misconceptions out there that need to be corrected), things that they found interesting about the lesson (which may be harnessed to provide future lessons) and one question that they still have.
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