If you’re looking to cure the boredom blues or looking to learn something new, try these online STEM games for kids (and everybody else too)! These games are just what you need to have a little fun and learn (or improve) a STEM skill:
Fantastic Contraption
Fantastic Contraption is an online physics game that challenges kids to build a virtual contraption that will achieve a specific goal. In working to reach this goal, students learn (virtually) about iterative design. As they design, build and test their contraptions, they have the opportunity to see them in motion…and then the opportunity to fix what went wrong. Reaching the goal of the level increases the difficulty, adds new components and requires the user to construct a more complex contraption. No account or log in is required, but the game does use Flash.
Cyclops Physics
Cyclops Physics is an unassuming game with a lot of critical thinking needed to progress to the next level. The game consists of red and green blocks that change to spheres when clicked. The object of the game is to get each block/sphere to rest on its corresponding color platforms. The game is timed so success is determined by figuring out the quickest viable solution. No account or log in is required, but there are YouTube style ads at the beginning.
Code Combat
Code Combat is a really fun, freemium coding game for, well, anyone. Additional characters and features are available for subscribers, but the free version is well-done and engaging. They even have a teacher hub that provides tools like pacing guides and progress journals to help incorporate coding in a classroom. Before beginning the game, users choose what language they’d like to learn (Python or Javascript) and the quest begins! Each level introduces additional coding elements, allowing the user to get a sense of coding in a matter of just a few levels. An account (and email) is required to play.
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