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4C's in STEM

The 4C’s in STEM: Creativity, Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration

Using the 4C’s in STEM targets skills that employers seek and helps students build 21st century skills to become well-qualified job candidates. Although STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, there is much more that contributes to developing successful students than just these core content skills.

In a recent studies, employers say students are unprepared for the workforce. Many claim candidates are applying for jobs without the skills that will make them successful employees.  So what do employers want? In short, they want excellent soft-skills (4C’s) and STEM aptitude.

As a teacher, this is useful data.  Having the answer key for how to prepare our students for the future is a huge advantage.


Employers want candidates who can use creativity to their advantage. Finding unique solutions and inventive fixes to problems are skills any industry needs.

The 4 C’s in STEM: Creativity


Communication is an advantage in any work industry.  Candidates must be able to communicate in many different mediums such as presentations, email and formal written documents.

The 4 C’s in STEM: Communication

Critical Thinking

Candidates need to be able to objectively analyze and evaluate different paths and products and show data to support these decisions.

The 4 C’s in STEM: Critical Thinking


Working well with others is just as key a skill in kindergarten as it is in the real world.  effective collaboration means that while a candidate might disagree with a decision, they can still find an effective path forward.

The 4 C’s in STEM: Collaboration

Check out the STEM Skills Challenges, focusing on skills employers want!

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